Software Development

Water Conservation and Water Demand Management

The Water Research Commission contracted WRP to develop various software packages which are now freely available to all Municipalities and water suppliers in South Africa and are designed to assist in reducing leakage from potable water distribution systems. The models currently available include SANFLOW, PRESMAC, AQUALITE, ECONOLEAK, BENCHLEAK and the Municipal WDM Scorecard which helps a Municipality to develop a first order WDM Strategy in a very short time at minimal cost.

WRP’s also developed ZEDNET which is a highly sophisticated internet based package designed to display and analyse real-time data captured on a variety of self-powered logging devices. Its main use is in the capture and display of flow and pressure logging information from potable water reticulation networks where it is an invaluable aid in monitoring and reducing leakage levels. It can also be used to monitor water levels in boreholes, reservoirs and flow gauging weirs and is already used to monitor more than half of the open channel flow gauging structures operated and maintained by Water Affairs throughout South Africa.

Water Resources Engineering

WRP personnel have been involved in the software development of the two key models used in the water resources systems analyses sector since their birth in the 1980s.They remain involved with the ongoing maintenance and continual improvements made to the models which help to ensure that they are abreast of the latest trends and developments in computer software.